# Contributing to bobatheme ## Building Just in case you need it. ### Automatic deploy previews with GitHub Actions My GitHub Actions workflows will automatically build each pull request into a public deploy preview on demo.bbaovanc.com, and will link it in a comment. ### Manual (local) building You can also build the site yourself using Hugo, including a live local preview. 1. Make sure you install the latest version of Hugo, or hopefully at least the `min_version` listed in [theme.toml](https://github.com/BBaoVanC/bobatheme/blob/master/theme.toml#L11). Let me know if that minimum version isn't enough and I'll fix it. 2. Clone the repo 3. Make sure to download and checkout the submodules (use `git submodule update --init --recursive`). The `--recursive` flag is especially important because bobatheme has a submodule in itself for icons. 4. Run `hugo serve -D` to run a local webserver. Hugo will show the URL you can access the preview at. It will automatically rebuild and reload pages when you save them.