{{< aside info >}} Commands in this article are prefixed them with a prompt symbol (either `$` or `#`) which is not part of the command. Lines with no prompt symbol are output from the command. The `#` means to run it as `root` (usually using `sudo`): ```console $ ls /var/lib/docker ls: cannot open directory '/var/lib/docker': Permission denied $ # this is a comment $ # regular users aren't allowed to view /var/lib/docker, we need root # ls /var/lib/docker builder containerd image overlay2 runtimes tmp volumes buildkit containers network plugins swarm trust $ # we can do the same thing using sudo $ sudo ls /var/lib/docker [sudo] password for bbaovanc: builder containerd image overlay2 runtimes tmp volumes buildkit containers network plugins swarm trust ``` If you want to copy just the commands (for example: pasting them into your own terminal to run them all), press the [Copy](javascript:void(0)) button in the top right of the code block. {{< /aside >}}