# Misc credit_comment: other: "<!-- bobatheme is available under the MIT license at https://github.com/BBaoVanC/bobatheme. -->" table_of_contents: other: "Table of Contents" browser_no_video_support: other: "Your browser does not support video." latest_posts: other: "Latest Posts" see_also: other: "SEE ALSO:" # Meta items long_date: other: "{{ .Date.Format `January 2, 2006` }}" wordcount: one: "{{ . }} word" other: "{{ . }} words" readingtime: one: "{{ . }} min" other: "{{ . }} mins" # Post count no_posts: other: "No posts here!" post_count: one: "{{ . }} post" other: "{{ . }} posts" # Navigation read_more: other: "Read more" related_posts: other: "Related Posts" older_post: other: "Older" newer_post: other: "Newer" # ARIA labels aria_header_link: other: "header link" aria_back_to_top_button: other: "back to top button" aria_rss_link: other: "RSS feed link" aria_post_meta_view_source: other: "link to page source" aria_post_meta_translations: other: "translations" aria_post_meta_categories: other: "categories" aria_post_meta_tags: other: "tags" aria_post_meta_reading_time: other: "reading time" aria_post_meta_authors: other: "authors" aria_post_meta_series: other: "series" aria_breadcrumbnav: other: "breadcrumb navigation bar" aria_post_metadata: other: "post metadata" aria_author_metadata: other: "author metadata" aria_category_metadata: other: "category metadata" aria_post_meta_date: other: "date" aria_post_meta_modified_date: other: "last modified date" aria_author_post_count: other: "post count" aria_author_word_count: other: "word count" aria_category_post_count: other: "post count" aria_series_metadata: other: "series metadata" aria_navbar: other: "navigation bar" aria_langpicker: other: "language picker" aria_langpicker_list: other: "language list" aria_table_of_contents: other: "table of contents"