baseURL: theme: bobatheme defaultContentLanguage: en copyright: '© 2021 bbaovanc CC BY-SA 4.0' sectionPagesMenu: main enableRobotsTXT: true paginate: 5 enableGitInfo: true taxonomies: _merge: deep author: name: bbaovanc markup: # this just keeps the bobatheme markup styling _merge: deep outputs: page: - html - markdown params: # these are for the OpenGraph/Twitter embeds in Hugo description: Example website for bobatheme # these are for favicons in bobatheme (disabled by default) # faviconSVG: favicon.svg # appleTouchPNG: apple-touch-icon.png # show reading time (enabled by default) # readingtime: true # used for "View source" (unset by default) # gitFileURL: # gitFileIcon: github-circle # gitHistoryURL: # social media share icons # shareButtons: # twitter: true # facebook: true # linkedin: true # reddit: true # telegram: true # print: true # show "Latest Posts" section at bottom of content pages # latestPostsOnContent: true # footer: >- # Some example text for the footer. # see # you probably want to keep this default privacy: _merge: deep languages: en: languageName: English title: Example Website weight: 1