{{ if or .Date .IsTranslated .Site.Params.wordcount .Site.Params.readingtime .Site.Params.repoURL }}
{{ if .Date }} {{ partial "icon.html" "calendar" }} {{ $gitinfo := false }} {{ with .GitInfo }} {{ $gitinfo = true }} {{ end }} {{/* TODO: make this be a tooltip */}} {{ if ne (time.Format "2006-01-02" .Lastmod) (time.Format "2006-01-02" .Date) }} {{ partial "icon.html" "pencil" }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ with .Params.authors }} {{ partial "icon.html" "user-circle" }} {{ if index $.Site.Taxonomies "authors" }} {{ $authors := slice }} {{ range . }} {{ $url := (printf "/authors/%s" (. | anchorize)) | absLangURL }} {{ $authors = $authors | append (printf `%s` $url . | safeHTML) }} {{ end }} {{ delimit $authors ", " }} {{ else }} {{ delimit . ", " }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ if .IsTranslated }} {{ partial "icon.html" "world" }} {{ range .Translations }} {{ .Language }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ if ne .Site.Params.readingtime false }} {{ partial "icon.html" "clock" }} {{ i18n "readingtime" .ReadingTime }} {{ end }} {{ with .Site.Params.historyURL }} {{ partial "icon.html" "history" }} View history {{ end }}
{{ range (.GetTerms "tags") }} {{ end }}
{{ end }}