{{ define "main" }} <div class="page-title"> <h1> {{ .Title | markdownify }} {{ if .Draft }}{{ partial "icon.html" "write" }}{{ end }} </h1> </div> {{ partial "page-metadata/post-full.html" . }} {{ partial "series-box.html" . }} {{ if .Params.Toc }} <div class="table-of-contents" aria-label="{{ i18n "aria_table_of_contents" }}"> <details> <summary>{{ i18n "table_of_contents" }}</summary> {{ .TableOfContents }} </details> </div> <div class="table-of-contents print"> {{ i18n "table_of_contents" }} {{ .TableOfContents }} </div> {{ end }} {{ with .Resources.GetMatch "feature" }} <div class="post-media"> {{ partial "figure.html" (dict "src" .) }} </div> {{ end }} <article class="post-content"> {{ .Content }} </article> {{ partial "series-box.html" . }} {{ if or .NextInSection .PrevInSection }} <div class="prevnext"> {{ with .NextInSection }} <a class="prev" href="{{ .Permalink }}"> <div class="prev-caption"> ← {{ i18n "newer_post" }} </div> <div class="prev-post"> {{ .Title | markdownify }} </div> </a> {{ else }} <div class="prev"></div> {{ end }} {{ with .PrevInSection }} <a class="next" href="{{ .Permalink }}"> <div class="next-caption"> {{ i18n "older_post" }} → </div> <div class="next-post"> {{ .Title | markdownify }} </div> </a> {{ else }} <div class="next"></div> {{ end }} </div> {{ end }} {{ if .Site.Params.shareButtons }} {{ partial "share.html" . }} {{ end }} {{ if .Params.comments }} <div class="comments"> {{ partial "comments.html" . }} </div> {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ define "post-body" }} {{ $related := .Site.RegularPages.Related . | first 10 }} {{ with $related }} <div class="related-posts"> <hr> <h1>{{ i18n "related_posts" }}</h1> {{ partial "page-list.html" . }} </div> {{ end }} {{ end }}