BBaoVanC 7bc8a4cb57
Clean up CSS
- Add vim folds to make organized sections
- Rename a lot of classes from post- to page-
- Generalize series CSS classes better
- Clean up navbar div structure
- Remove langpicker and most of multilingual support
- many other minor tweaks
2023-03-24 08:49:02 -05:00

17 lines
611 B

{{ with .Params.authors }}
<span class="page-metadata-item" aria-label="{{ i18n "aria_post_meta_authors" }}">
{{ partial "icon.html" "user-circle" }}
{{ if index $.Site.Taxonomies "authors" }}
{{ $authors := slice }}
{{ range . }}
{{ $url := (printf "authors/%s" (. | anchorize)) | absLangURL }}
{{ $authors = $authors | append (printf `<a href="%s">%s</a>` $url . | safeHTML) }}
{{ end }}
{{ delimit $authors ", " }}
{{ else }}
{{ delimit . ", " }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}