#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ imgupload.py Flask application for processing images uploaded through POST requests. """ from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, Response from flask_api import status from pathlib import Path import os import datetime import settings # app settings (such as allowed extensions) import functions # custom functions app = Flask(__name__) # app is the app def allowed_extension(testext): if testext.lower() in settings.ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS: return True else: return False def log_savelog(key, ip, savedname): if settings.SAVELOG_KEYPREFIX > 0: with open(settings.SAVELOG, "a+") as slogf: slogf.write("[{0}] {1}: {2} - {3}\n".format(datetime.datetime.now(), key[:settings.SAVELOG_KEYPREFIX], ip, savedname)) os.chmod(settings.SAVELOG, settings.SAVELOG_CHMOD) else: with open(settings.SAVELOG, "a+") as slogf: slogf.write("[{0}] {1} - {2}\n".format(datetime.datetime.now(), ip, savedname)) os.chmod(settings.SAVELOG, settings.SAVELOG_CHMOD) @app.route("/upload", methods = ["POST"]) def upload(): if request.method == "POST": # sanity check: make sure it's a POST request print("Request method was POST!") with open("uploadkeys", "r") as keyfile: # load valid keys validkeys = keyfile.readlines() validkeys = [x.strip("\n") for x in validkeys] while "" in validkeys: validkeys.remove("") print("Loaded validkeys") if "uploadKey" in request.form: # if an uploadKey was provided if request.form["uploadKey"] in validkeys: # check if uploadKey is valid print("Key is valid!") if "verify" in request.form.keys(): if request.form["verify"] == "true": print("Request is asking if key is valid (it is)") return jsonify({'status': 'key_valid'}) if "imageUpload" in request.files: # check if image to upload was provided f = request.files["imageUpload"] # f is the image to upload else: print("No image upload was found!") return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'error': 'NO_IMAGE_UPLOADED'}), status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST if f.filename == "": # make sure the filename isn't blank print("Filename is blank") return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'error': 'FILENAME_BLANK'}), status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST fext = Path(f.filename).suffix # get the uploaded extension if allowed_extension(fext): # if the extension is allowed if not "imageName" in request.form.keys(): print("Generating file with extension {0}".format(fext)) fname = functions.generate_name() + fext # generate file name print("Generated name: {0}".format(fname)) else: fname = request.form["imageName"] if len(fname) > 0: print("Request imageName: {0}".format(fname)) if not fname.lower().endswith(fext.lower()): # if requested name doesn't have the correct extension fname += fext # add the extension print("Added extension; new filename: {0}".format(fname)) else: print("Requested filename is blank!") fname = functions.generate_name() + fext # generate a valid filename print("Generated name: {0}".format(fname)) if f: # if the uploaded image exists print("Uploaded image exists") if Path(os.path.join(settings.UPLOAD_FOLDER, fname)).is_file(): print("Requested filename already exists!") return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'error': 'FILENAME_TAKEN'}), status.HTTP_409_CONFLICT f.save(os.path.join(settings.UPLOAD_FOLDER, fname)) # save the image print("Saved to {0}".format(fname)) url = settings.ROOTURL + fname # construct the url to the image if settings.SAVELOG != "/dev/null": print("Saving to savelog") log_savelog(request.form["uploadKey"], request.remote_addr, fname) print("Returning json response") return jsonify({'status': 'success', 'url': url, 'name': fname, 'uploadedName': f.filename}), status.HTTP_201_CREATED else: # this shouldn't happen print("Um... uploaded image... is nonexistent? Please report this error!") return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'error': 'UPLOADED_IMAGE_FAILED_SANITY_CHECK_1'}), status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST else: # if the extension was invalid print("Uploaded extension is invalid!") return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'error': 'INVALID_EXTENSION'}), status.HTTP_415_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE else: # if the key was not valid print("Key is invalid!") print("Request key: {0}".format(request.form["uploadKey"])) return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'error': 'UNAUTHORIZED'}), status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED else: # if uploadKey was not found in request body print("No uploadKey found in request!") return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'error': 'UNAUTHORIZED'}), status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED if __name__ == "__main__": print("Run with `flask` or a WSGI server!")