import os import settings as settings # Default settings defaults = { "UPLOAD_FOLDER": "/var/www/img", "ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS": [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".svg", ".bmp", ".gif", ".ico", ".webp"], "ROOTURL": "", "SAVELOG": "savelog.log", "SAVELOG_CHMOD": "0o644", "UPLOADKEYS_CHMOD": "0o400", "SAVELOG_KEYPREFIX": 4, "ENCKEY_PATH": "secret.key" } deftypes = { "UPLOAD_FOLDER": str, "ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS": list, "ROOTURL": str, "SAVELOG": str, "SAVELOG_CHMOD": int, "UPLOADKEYS_CHMOD": int, "SAVELOG_KEYPREFIX": int, "ENCKEY_PATH": str, } # Check for unset settings checksettings = list(defaults.keys()) unset_settings = [i for i in defaults.keys() if i not in dir(settings)] if len(unset_settings) > 0: for unset in unset_settings: checksettings.remove(unset) print("[!] {0} is unset. The default value is type {1} with value {2}".format(unset, deftypes[unset].__name__, defaults[unset])) else: print("[" + u"\u2713" + "] Found all required settings!") # Check if types of settings are correct typesgood = True typeswrong = [] for testtype in checksettings: if type(getattr(settings, testtype)) is not deftypes[testtype]: print("[!] {0} requires {1}, but is {2}".format(testtype, deftypes[testtype].__name__, type(getattr(settings, testtype)).__name__)) typeswrong.append(testtype) typesgood = False if typesgood: print("[" + u"\u2713" + "] Types are good!") # Check if allowed extensions all start with a . invalid_exts = [] if "ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS" in checksettings: for e in settings.ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS: if not e.startswith("."): invalid_exts.append(e) if len(invalid_exts) > 0: print("[!] The following extensions listed in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS are invalid:") for e in invalid_exts: print(" {0} is listed in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS, but doesn't start with a .".format(e)) else: print("[" + u"\u2713" + "] ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS is good!") # Check if UPLOAD_FOLDER exists uploadfolder_exists = True if "UPLOAD_FOLDER" in checksettings: if not os.path.isdir(settings.UPLOAD_FOLDER): uploadfolder_exists = False print("[!] The directory set in UPLOAD_FOLDER ('{0}') doesn't exist!".format(settings.UPLOAD_FOLDER)) else: print("[" + u"\u2713" + "] UPLOAD_FOLDER exists!") # Check if ROOTURL starts with http(s):// and ends with / rooturl_good = True if "ROOTURL" in checksettings: if settings.ROOTURL.startswith("http://") or settings.ROOTURL.startswith("https://"): pass else: rooturl_good = False print(settings.ROOTURL) print(settings.ROOTURL.startswith("https://")) print("[!] ROOTURL does not start with `http://` or `https://`! This may cause issues!") if not settings.ROOTURL.endswith("/"): rooturl_good = False print("[!] ROOTURL does not end with a `/`. This WILL cause issues!") if not rooturl_good: print(" With your current settings, this is what a generated url would look like:") print(" {0}example.png".format(settings.ROOTURL)) else: print("[" + u"\u2713" + "] ROOTURL is good!") # Check if ENCKEY_PATH exists enckey_exists = True if "ENCKEY_PATH" in checksettings: if not os.path.isfile(settings.ENCKEY_PATH): enckey_exists = False print("[!] The path set in ENCKEY_PATH ('{0}') doesn't exist!".format(settings.ENCKEY_PATH)) else: print("[" + u"\u2713" + "] ENCKEY_PATH exists!") # Ask the user if SAVELOG is the intended filename if "SAVELOG" in checksettings: print("[*] SAVELOG was interpreted to be {0}".format(settings.SAVELOG)) print("[*] If this is not the intended filename, please fix it.") # Show summary print() print("----- SUMMARY -----") summarygood = True if len(unset_settings) > 0: summarygood = False print("Unset settings:") for unset in unset_settings: print(" {0}".format(unset)) if len(typeswrong) > 0: summarygood = False print("Incorrect types:") for wtype in typeswrong: print(" {0}".format(wtype)) if len(invalid_exts) > 0: summarygood = False print("Invalid extensions:") for wext in invalid_exts: print(" '{0}'".format(wext)) if not uploadfolder_exists: summarygood = False print("UPLOAD_FOLDER ({0}) does not exist!".format(settings.UPLOAD_FOLDER)) if not enckey_exists: summarygood = False print("ENCKEY_PATH ({0}) does not exist!".format(settings.ENCKEY_PATH)) if not rooturl_good: summarygood = False print("ROOTURL may cause issues!") print("With current settings, this is what a generated URL would look like:") print("{0}example.png".format(settings.ROOTURL)) if "SAVELOG" in checksettings: print("[*] SAVELOG is {0}".format(settings.SAVELOG)) if summarygood: print("[" + u"\u2713" + "] This configuration passes all tests!")