# vim: filetype=neomuttrc set imap_user = someone # IMAP username set imap_pass = `pass someone@example.com` # get password from `pass` set folder = "imaps://mail.example.com" # IMAP url set spoolfile = +Inbox # Inbox set record = +Sent # Sent (copy all sent messages to this mailbox) set postponed = +Drafts # copy Drafts to here set trash = +Trash # send trash here set imap_check_subscribed # connect to all mailboxes unset imap_passive # allow neomutt to automatically open a new IMAP connection set imap_idle # connect with IMAP IDLE -- receive emails through push set imap_keepalive = 300 # poll every x seconds to keep connection alive set smtp_pass = $imap_pass # SMTP password same as IMAP password set smtp_url = "smtps://$imap_user@mail.example.com" # SMTP url set ssl_force_tls = yes # force the use of TLS set ssl_starttls = yes # force STARTTLS set realname = "John Doe" # name shown on sent emails set from = "someone@example.com" # from address set use_from = yes # use the from address