+++ title = "PeerTube" menu = "main" description = """ PeerTube is a free and decentralized video platform meant as an alternative to services like YouTube. See the instance running on https://peertube.boba.best """ +++ ## Instance URLs - HTTPS: https://peertube.boba.best ## What is PeerTube? From JoinPeerTube[^1] > PeerTube aspires to be a **decentralized and free/libre alternative** to > video broadcasting services. > > Our aim is not to replace them, but rather to simultaneously offer something > else, with different values. > PeerTube uses [**ActivityPub**](https://activitypub.rocks/), a federating > protocol that **allows you to interact with other software**, provided they > also use this protocol. For example, PeerTube and Mastodon -a Twitter > alternative- are connected: **you can follow a PeerTube user from Mastodon** > (the latest videos from the PeerTube account you follow will appear in your > feed), **and even comment on a PeerTube-hosted video directly from your > Mastodon's account**. > With PeerTube, choose **your hosting company and the rules you believe in**. > Direct contact with a human-scale hoster allows for two things: you no longer > are the client of a huge tech company, and **you can nurture a special > relationship with your hoster, who distributes your data**. > The PeerTube software can, whenever necessary, use a peer-to-peer protocol > (P2P) to broadcast viral videos, **lowering the load of their hosts**. [^1]: https://joinpeertube.org/