Guide to upgrading PostgreSQL version `>= 12` to version `14` using `pg_dump` and `psql`. Based on [Upgrade a PostgreSQL database with docker.]( **Note:** following this guide you'd need to stop some containers and it would make your plausible instance temporarily unavailable. --- ### Plan 1. dump contents of the old version PostgreSQL to a file 1. copy the dump to the host 1. replace old version PostgreSQL with new version PostgreSQL 1. copy and load the dump into new version PostgreSQL --- ### Steps 1. Stop `plausible` to avoid writing to old `plausible_db` ```console > docker compose stop plausible [+] Running 2/2 ⠿ Container hosting-plausible-1 Stopped 6.5s ``` 2. Dump old `plausible_db` contents to a backup file ```console > docker compose exec plausible_db sh -c "pg_dump -U postgres plausible_db > plausible_db.bak" ``` 3. Copy the backup to the host ```console > docker compose cp plausible_db:plausible_db.bak plausible_db.bak ``` 4. (Optional) verify backup went OK ```console > head plausible_db.bak -- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- -- Dumped from database version 12.12 (Debian 12.12-1.pgdg110+1) -- Dumped by pg_dump version 12.12 (Debian 12.12-1.pgdg110+1) SET statement_timeout = 0; SET lock_timeout = 0; SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0; ``` 5. Edit `docker-compose.yml` to use new PostgreSQL version, here we update from `v12` to `v14`, alpine flavour. ```diff plausible_db: - image: postgres:12 + image: postgres:14-alpine restart: always volumes: - db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data environment: - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres ``` 6. Ensure relevant containers are stopped ```console > docker compose stop plausible plausible_db [+] Running 2/2 ⠿ Container hosting-plausible-1 Stopped 0.0s ⠿ Container hosting-plausible_db-1 Stopped 0.2s ``` 7. Remove old `plausible_db` container to be able to nuke its volume in the next step ```console > docker compose rm plausible_db ? Going to remove hosting-plausible_db-1 Yes [+] Running 1/0 ⠿ Container hosting-plausible_db-1 Removed 0.0s ``` 8. Remove old `plausible_db` volume, mine is named `hosting_db-data` ```console > docker volume ls DRIVER VOLUME NAME <...snip...> local hosting_db-data local hosting_event-data <...snip...> > docker volume rm hosting_db-data hosting_db-data ``` 9. Start new version `plausible_db` container ```console > docker compose up plausible_db -d [+] Running 9/9 ⠿ plausible_db Pulled 9.3s ⠿ 9b18e9b68314 Already exists 0.0s ⠿ 75aada9edfc5 Pull complete 1.2s ⠿ 820773693750 Pull complete 1.2s ⠿ 8812bb04ef2e Pull complete 5.2s ⠿ 2ccec0f7805c Pull complete 5.2s ⠿ 833f9b98598e Pull complete 5.3s ⠿ 1eb578dc04e6 Pull complete 5.4s ⠿ c873bf6204df Pull complete 5.4s [+] Running 2/2 ⠿ Volume "hosting_db-data" Created 0.0s ⠿ Container hosting-plausible_db-1 Started 0.5s ``` 10. Create new DB and load data into it ```console > docker compose exec plausible_db createdb -U postgres plausible_db > docker compose cp plausible_db.bak plausible_db:plausible_db.bak > docker compose exec plausible_db sh -c "psql -U postgres -d plausible_db < plausible_db.bak" SET SET SET SET SET set_config ------------ (1 row) SET SET SET SET CREATE EXTENSION <...snip...> ``` 11. Start all other containers ```console > docker compose up -d [+] Running 4/4 ⠿ Container hosting-plausible_events_db-1 Running 0.0s ⠿ Container hosting-mail-1 Running 0.0s ⠿ Container hosting-plausible_db-1 Started 0.5s ⠿ Container hosting-plausible-1 Started 0.5s ``` 12. (Optional) Remove backups from the container and the host ```console > rm plausible_db.bak > docker compose exec plausible_db rm plausible_db.bak ```