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Contributing to bobatheme

Where to put stuff


The best place to ask questions or have discussions is the (relatively new) discussions feature on GitHub, available here. It's not too big of an issue though because discussions and issues can easily be converted between eachother.


Issues should be used only for, well, issues. Ignore all the placeholder ones prefixed with "Translate:" and tagged with the "translation" tag as they are placeholders used in the projects tab. I might mark them as closed in the future to clean it up but I'll worry about that later.


Discussion relating to translations should either go as comments or reviews on the pull request adding the translation, or as a discussion under the Translations category.

Pull requests

Commit messages

It's not too big of a deal what you put in your commit messages, but try to give each commit a rough description of what it changes. I'll use squash merges most of the time anyways.


If the pull request doesn't require any extra information in addition to the title, you can probably leave the description blank. Otherwise you can put some information, just try to keep it concise; it's better to read a couple sentences than an entire essay with the same amount of information.


Automatic deploy previews with Netlify

Netlify will automatically build each pull request into a public deploy preview, and will link it in a comment.

Manual (local) building

You can also build the site yourself using Hugo, including a live local preview.

  1. Make sure you install the latest version of Hugo, or at least the min_version listed in theme.toml.
  2. Clone the repo
  3. Make sure to download and checkout the submodules (use git submodule update --init --recursive). The --recursive flag is especially important because bobatheme has a submodule in itself for icons.
  4. Run hugo serve -D to run a local webserver. Hugo will show the URL you can access the preview at. It will automatically rebuild and reload pages when you save them.