Update i18n/ files

This commit is contained in:
BBaoVanC 2021-11-23 19:22:01 -06:00
parent 43d406c4fe
commit ebcbccb3bb
Signed by: bbaovanc
GPG Key ID: 18089E4E3CCF1D3A
3 changed files with 96 additions and 20 deletions

.gitattributes vendored
View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
i18n/** linguist-detectable=true
data/** linguist-detectable=true

View File

@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
# Misc
credit_comment: credit_comment:
other: "<!-- bobatheme is available under the MIT license at https://github.com/BBaoVanC/bobatheme. -->" other: "<!-- bobatheme is available under the MIT license at https://github.com/BBaoVanC/bobatheme. -->"
other: "Table of Contents"
other: "Your browser does not support video."
# Meta items
long_date: long_date:
other: "{{ .Date.Format `January 2, 2006` }}" other: "{{ .Date.Format `January 2, 2006` }}"
@ -12,14 +21,8 @@ readingtime:
one: "{{ . }} min" one: "{{ . }} min"
other: "{{ . }} mins" other: "{{ . }} mins"
other: "Read more"
other: "Your browser does not support video."
# Post count
no_posts: no_posts:
other: "No posts here!" other: "No posts here!"
@ -28,8 +31,9 @@ post_count:
other: "{{ . }} posts" other: "{{ . }} posts"
table_of_contents: # Navigation
other: "Table of Contents" read_more:
other: "Read more"
see_also: see_also:
other: "See also" other: "See also"
@ -40,6 +44,7 @@ older_post:
newer_post: newer_post:
other: "Newer" other: "Newer"
# ARIA labels # ARIA labels
aria_header_link: aria_header_link:
other: "header link" other: "header link"

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@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
# Misc
credit_comment: credit_comment:
other: "<!-- bobatheme está disponible en GitHub basado en la licensia MIT: https://github.com/BBaoVanC/bobatheme. -->" other: "<!-- bobatheme está disponible en GitHub basado en la licensia MIT: https://github.com/BBaoVanC/bobatheme. -->"
other: "Índice"
other: "Tu navegador de internet no admite video."
# Meta items
long_date: long_date:
other: "{{ .Date.Day }} de {{ index .Data.meses (printf `%d` .Date.Month) }} de {{ .Date.Year }}" other: "{{ .Date.Day }} de {{ index .Data.meses (printf `%d` .Date.Month) }} de {{ .Date.Year }}"
@ -12,20 +21,19 @@ readingtime:
one: "{{ . }} min" one: "{{ . }} min"
other: "{{ . }} mins" other: "{{ . }} mins"
other: "Leer más"
other: "Tu navegador de internet no admite video."
# Post count
no_posts: no_posts:
other: "¡No hay contenido para mostrar!" other: "¡No hay contenido para mostrar!"
# post_count:
# one: "{{ . }} post"
# other: "{{ . }} posts"
other: "Índice" # Navigation
other: "Leer más"
see_also: see_also:
other: "Véase también" other: "Véase también"
@ -35,3 +43,68 @@ older_post:
newer_post: newer_post:
other: "Más nuevo" other: "Más nuevo"
# ARIA labels
# aria_header_link:
# other: "header link"
# aria_back_to_top_button:
# other: "back to top button"
# aria_rss_link:
# other: "RSS feed link"
# aria_post_meta_view_source:
# other: "link to page source"
# aria_post_meta_translations:
# other: "translations"
# aria_post_meta_tags:
# other: "tags"
# aria_post_meta_reading_time:
# other: "reading time"
# aria_post_meta_authors:
# other: "authors"
# aria_post_meta_series:
# other: "series"
# aria_breadcrumbnav:
# other: "breadcrumb navigation bar"
# aria_post_metadata:
# other: "post metadata"
# aria_author_metadata:
# other: "author metadata"
# aria_post_meta_date:
# other: "date"
# aria_post_meta_modified_date:
# other: "last modified date"
# aria_author_post_count:
# other: "post count"
# aria_author_word_count:
# other: "word count"
# aria_series_metadata:
# other: "series metadata"
# aria_navbar:
# other: "navigation bar"
# aria_langpicker:
# other: "language picker"
# aria_langpicker_list:
# other: "language list"
# aria_table_of_contents:
# other: "table of contents"