Added files (v0.1)

Added the Python files so now the repository actually has something.
This will probably become v0.1 without any changes.
This commit is contained in:
BBaoVanC 2020-08-31 17:29:54 -05:00
parent e6c9b48cc7
commit e6dcb814fb
3 changed files with 260 additions and 0 deletions

139 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
import os
import settings as settings
# Default settings
defaults = {
"UPLOAD_FOLDER": "/var/www/img",
"ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS": [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".svg", ".bmp", ".gif", ".ico", ".webp"],
"ROOTURL": "",
"SAVELOG": "savelog.log",
"SAVELOG_CHMOD": "0o644",
deftypes = {
"ROOTURL": str,
"SAVELOG": str,
# Check for unset settings
checksettings = list(defaults.keys())
unset_settings = [i for i in defaults.keys() if i not in dir(settings)]
if len(unset_settings) > 0:
for unset in unset_settings:
print("[!] {0} is unset. The default value is type {1} with value {2}".format(unset, deftypes[unset].__name__, defaults[unset]))
print("[" + u"\u2713" + "] Found all required settings!")
# Check if types of settings are correct
typesgood = True
typeswrong = []
for testtype in checksettings:
if type(getattr(settings, testtype)) is not deftypes[testtype]:
print("[!] {0} requires {1}, but is {2}".format(testtype, deftypes[testtype].__name__, type(getattr(settings, testtype)).__name__))
typesgood = False
if typesgood:
print("[" + u"\u2713" + "] Types are good!")
# Check if allowed extensions all start with a .
invalid_exts = []
if "ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS" in checksettings:
for e in settings.ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS:
if not e.startswith("."):
if len(invalid_exts) > 0:
print("[!] The following extensions listed in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS are invalid:")
for e in invalid_exts:
print(" {0} is listed in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS, but doesn't start with a .".format(e))
print("[" + u"\u2713" + "] ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS is good!")
# Check if UPLOAD_FOLDER exists
uploadfolder_exists = True
if "UPLOAD_FOLDER" in checksettings:
if not os.path.isdir(settings.UPLOAD_FOLDER):
uploadfolder_exists = False
print("[!] The directory set in UPLOAD_FOLDER ('{0}') doesn't exist!".format(settings.UPLOAD_FOLDER))
print("[" + u"\u2713" + "] UPLOAD_FOLDER exists!")
# Check if ROOTURL starts with http(s):// and ends with /
rooturl_good = True
if "ROOTURL" in checksettings:
if settings.ROOTURL.startswith("http://") or settings.ROOTURL.startswith("https://"):
rooturl_good = False
print("[!] ROOTURL does not start with `http://` or `https://`! This may cause issues!")
if not settings.ROOTURL.endswith("/"):
rooturl_good = False
print("[!] ROOTURL does not end with a `/`. This WILL cause issues!")
if not rooturl_good:
print(" With your current settings, this is what a generated url would look like:")
print(" {0}example.png".format(settings.ROOTURL))
print("[" + u"\u2713" + "] ROOTURL is good!")
# Ask the user if SAVELOG is the intended filename
if "SAVELOG" in checksettings:
print("[*] SAVELOG was interpreted to be {0}".format(settings.SAVELOG))
print("[*] If this is not the intended filename, please fix it.")
# Show summary
print("----- SUMMARY -----")
summarygood = True
if len(unset_settings) > 0:
summarygood = False
print("Unset settings:")
for unset in unset_settings:
print(" {0}".format(unset))
if len(typeswrong) > 0:
summarygood = False
print("Incorrect types:")
for wtype in typeswrong:
print(" {0}".format(wtype))
if len(invalid_exts) > 0:
summarygood = False
print("Invalid extensions:")
for wext in invalid_exts:
print(" '{0}'".format(wext))
if not uploadfolder_exists:
summarygood = False
print("UPLOAD_FOLDER ({0}) does not exist!".format(settings.UPLOAD_FOLDER))
if not rooturl_good:
summarygood = False
print("ROOTURL may cause issues!")
print("With current settings, this is what a generated URL would look like:")
if "SAVELOG" in checksettings:
print("[*] SAVELOG is {0}".format(settings.SAVELOG))
if summarygood:
print("[" + u"\u2713" + "] This configuration passes all tests!")

114 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, abort, Response
from flask_api import status
from pathlib import Path
import string
import random
import os
import datetime
import settings # app settings (such as allowed extensions)
ALPHANUMERIC = string.ascii_letters + string.digits # uppercase, lowercase, and numbers
app = Flask(__name__) # app is the app
def allowed_extension(testext):
if testext in settings.ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS:
return True
return False
def generate_name(extension):
namefound = False
while not namefound:
fname = ''.join((random.choice(ALPHANUMERIC) for i in range(8))) + str(extension)
if not Path(fname).is_file():
namefound = True
return fname
def log_savelog(key, ip, savedname):
if settings.SAVELOG_KEYPREFIX > 0:
with open(settings.SAVELOG, "a+") as slogf:
slogf.write("[{0}] {1}: {2} - {3}\n".format(, key[:settings.SAVELOG_KEYPREFIX], ip, savedname))
os.chmod(settings.SAVELOG, settings.SAVELOG_CHMOD)
with open(settings.SAVELOG, "a+") as slogf:
slogf.write("[{0}] {1} - {2}\n".format(, ip, savedname))
os.chmod(settings.SAVELOG, settings.SAVELOG_CHMOD)
@app.route("/upload", methods = ["POST"])
def upload():
if request.method == "POST": # sanity check: make sure it's a POST request
print("Request method was POST!")
os.chmod("uploadkeys", settings.UPLOADKEYS_CHMOD)
print("Changed permissions of `uploadkeys`")
with open("uploadkeys", "r") as keyfile: # load valid keys
validkeys = keyfile.readlines()
validkeys = [x.strip("\n") for x in validkeys]
while "" in validkeys:
print("removed blank key")
print("Valid keys: {0}".format(validkeys))
print("Loaded validkeys")
if "uploadKey" in request.form: # if an uploadKey was provided
if request.form["uploadKey"] in validkeys: # check if uploadKey is valid
print("Key is valid!")
if "imageUpload" in request.files: # check if image to upload was provided
f = request.files["imageUpload"] # f is the image to upload
print("Found uploaded image")
print("No image upload was found!")
return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'error': 'NO_IMAGE_UPLOADED'}), status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
if f.filename == "": # make sure the filename isn't blank
print("Filename is blank")
return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'error': 'FILENAME_BLANK'}), status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
fext = Path(f.filename).suffix # get the uploaded extension
print("Uploaded file extensions is {0}".format(fext))
if allowed_extension(fext): # if the extension is allowed
fname = generate_name(fext) # generate file name
print("Generated name: {0}".format(fname))
if f: # if the uploaded image exists
print("Uploaded image exists, obviously."), fname)) # save the image
print("Saved to {0}".format(fname))
url = settings.ROOTURL + fname # construct the url to the image
if settings.SAVELOG != "/dev/null":
log_savelog(request.form["uploadKey"], request.remote_addr, fname)
print("Logged message to savelog")
print("Returning json response")
return jsonify({'status': 'success', 'url': url, 'name': fname, 'uploadedName': f.filename}), status.HTTP_201_CREATED
else: # this shouldn't happen
print("Um... uploaded image is nonexistent..? Please report this error!")
return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'error': 'UPLOADED_IMAGE_FAILED_SANITY_CHECK_1'}), status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
else: # if the extension was invalid
print("Uploaded extension is invalid!")
else: # if the key was not valid
print("Key is invalid!")
print("Request key: {0}".format(request.form["uploadKey"]))
else: # if uploadKey was not found in request body
print("No uploadKey found in request!")
else: # if the request method wasn't post
print("Request method was not POST!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Run with `flask` or a WSGI server!")

7 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
UPLOAD_FOLDER = "/var/www/img"
ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".svg", ".bmp", ".gif", ".ico", ".webp"]
SAVELOG = "savelog.log"