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No commits in common. "master" and "v2.1.1" have entirely different histories.

9 changed files with 78 additions and 210 deletions

.github/ vendored
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@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
# imgupload
## Moving from GitHub to Gitea
**TL;DR: Please go to my Gitea instance instead of GitHub for anything related to imgupload. [](**
This repository might not exist on GitHub in the future! Releases will not be released here in the future. Instead, they will be released on the repository on my Gitea instance, which you can find [here]( Issues and pull requests should also be created on Gitea. For now, commits will still be pushed to this repository, but that may change in the future.

.gitignore vendored
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@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
# Created by,python
# Edit at,python
### Python ###
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
@ -55,7 +50,6 @@ coverage.xml
# Translations
@ -76,7 +70,6 @@ instance/
# Sphinx documentation
# PyBuilder
@ -116,7 +109,6 @@ venv/
# Spyder project settings
@ -136,25 +128,6 @@ dmypy.json
# Pyre type checker
# pytype static type analyzer
# profiling data
### VisualStudioCode ###
### VisualStudioCode Patch ###
# Ignore all local history of files
# End of,python
# imgupload custom

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@ -1,88 +1,26 @@
# imgupload
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## What is imgupload?
### What is imgupload?
imgupload is a Flask + uWSGI application to serve as an all-purpose image/file uploader over POST requests.
## FAQ
**Where can I send bug reports and feature requests?**
You can create an issue [here](
**How do I use this program?**
See [Installation](#installation)
**I want to make a pull request. Where should I do that?**
First, fork [this repository]( If you don't have an account on my Gitea site yet, you can either create one, or sign in using your GitHub account. Commit your changes to your fork, and then create a pull request.
## Installation
### Installation
1. Clone the repository: `git clone`
2. Enter the imgupload directory: `cd imgupload`
3. Create a virtualenv: `python3 -m venv env`
4. Enter the virtualenv: `source env/bin/activate`
5. Install dependencies: `python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt`
6. Run the Flask app
## Running the Flask app
### Using uWSGI
Note: replace `www-data` with whatever user your webserver runs as.
1. Go to /srv: `cd /srv`
2. Clone the repository: `git clone`
3. Change ownership of /srv/imgupload: `sudo chown www-data:www-data /srv/imgupload`
4. Enter www-data user: `sudo su www-data`
5. Change directories to /srv/imgupload: `cd /srv/imgupload`
6. Checkout the version you want (replace [version] with desired version tag: `git checkout [version]`
7. Enter the imgupload directory: `cd imgupload`
8. Create a virtualenv: `python3 -m venv env`
9. Enter the virtualenv: `source env/bin/activate`
10. Install dependencies: `python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt`
11. Leave the www-data user: `exit`
12. Copy the default uWSGI configuration: `sudo cp /srv/imgupload/uwsgi.ini.default /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/imgupload.ini`
13. Modify `/etc/uwsgi/apps-available/imgupload.ini` to your preferences
14. Enable imgupload: `sudo ln -s /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/imgupload.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/`
15. Restart uWSGI: `sudo systemctl restart uwsgi`
16. Set up your webserver to proxy the uwsgi.sock
Example NGINX location block:
location /upload {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass unix:/srv/imgupload/uwsgi.sock;
client_max_body_size 25M;
Instructions specific to imgupload are coming soon
### Using Flask development server
#### Setup
git clone
cd imgupload
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ source env/bin/activate # if you haven't already entered the virtualenv
$ export
$ flask run
#### Run
flask run
## License
_imgupload_ is licensed under the GPLv3 license. For more information, please refer to [`LICENSE`](

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@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
Tests the validity of your configuration in
import os
import settings as settings
@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ unset_settings = [i for i in defaults.keys() if i not in dir(settings)]
if len(unset_settings) > 0:
for unset in unset_settings:
print(f"[!] {unset} is unset. The default value is type {deftypes[unset].__name__} with value {defaults[unset]}")
print("[!] {0} is unset. The default value is type {1} with value {2}".format(unset, deftypes[unset].__name__, defaults[unset]))
print("[" + u"\u2713" + "] Found all required settings!")
@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ typesgood = True
typeswrong = []
for testtype in checksettings:
if type(getattr(settings, testtype)) is not deftypes[testtype]:
print(f"[!] {testtype} requires {deftypes[testtype].__name__}, but is {type(getattr(settings, testtype)).__name__}")
print("[!] {0} requires {1}, but is {2}".format(testtype, deftypes[testtype].__name__, type(getattr(settings, testtype)).__name__))
typesgood = False
@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ if "ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS" in checksettings:
if len(invalid_exts) > 0:
print("[!] The following extensions listed in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS are invalid:")
for e in invalid_exts:
print(f" {e} is listed in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS, but doesn't start with a .")
print(" {0} is listed in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS, but doesn't start with a .".format(e))
print("[" + u"\u2713" + "] ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS is good!")
@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ uploadfolder_exists = True
if "UPLOAD_FOLDER" in checksettings:
if not os.path.isdir(settings.UPLOAD_FOLDER):
uploadfolder_exists = False
print(f"[!] The directory set in UPLOAD_FOLDER ('{settings.UPLOAD_FOLDER}') doesn't exist!")
print("[!] The directory set in UPLOAD_FOLDER ('{0}') doesn't exist!".format(settings.UPLOAD_FOLDER))
print("[" + u"\u2713" + "] UPLOAD_FOLDER exists!")
@ -85,6 +84,8 @@ if "ROOTURL" in checksettings:
rooturl_good = False
print("[!] ROOTURL does not start with `http://` or `https://`! This may cause issues!")
if not settings.ROOTURL.endswith("/"):
rooturl_good = False
@ -92,14 +93,14 @@ if "ROOTURL" in checksettings:
if not rooturl_good:
print(" With your current settings, this is what a generated url would look like:")
print(f" {settings.ROOTURL}example.png")
print(" {0}example.png".format(settings.ROOTURL))
print("[" + u"\u2713" + "] ROOTURL is good!")
# Ask the user if SAVELOG is the intended filename
if "SAVELOG" in checksettings:
print(f"[*] SAVELOG was interpreted to be {settings.SAVELOG}")
print("[*] SAVELOG was interpreted to be {0}".format(settings.SAVELOG))
print("[*] If this is not the intended filename, please fix it.")
@ -111,32 +112,32 @@ if len(unset_settings) > 0:
summarygood = False
print("Unset settings:")
for unset in unset_settings:
print(f" {unset}")
print(" {0}".format(unset))
if len(typeswrong) > 0:
summarygood = False
print("Incorrect types:")
for wtype in typeswrong:
print(f" {wtype}")
print(" {0}".format(wtype))
if len(invalid_exts) > 0:
summarygood = False
print("Invalid extensions:")
for wext in invalid_exts:
print(f" '{wext}'")
print(" '{0}'".format(wext))
if not uploadfolder_exists:
summarygood = False
print(f"UPLOAD_FOLDER ({settings.UPLOAD_FOLDER}) does not exist!")
print("UPLOAD_FOLDER ({0}) does not exist!".format(settings.UPLOAD_FOLDER))
if not rooturl_good:
summarygood = False
print("ROOTURL may cause issues!")
print("With current settings, this is what a generated URL would look like:")
if "SAVELOG" in checksettings:
print(f"[*] SAVELOG is {settings.SAVELOG}")
print("[*] SAVELOG is {0}".format(settings.SAVELOG))
if summarygood:
print("[" + u"\u2713" + "] This configuration passes all tests!")

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@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
Functions used by imgupload which can be easily customized.
import string
import random

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@ -4,13 +4,11 @@
Flask application for processing images uploaded through POST requests.
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, abort, Response
from flask_api import status
from pathlib import Path
import os
import datetime
from PIL import Image
import settings # app settings (such as allowed extensions)
import functions # custom functions
@ -19,7 +17,7 @@ app = Flask(__name__) # app is the app
def allowed_extension(testext):
if testext.lower() in settings.ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS:
if testext in settings.ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS:
return True
return False
@ -28,11 +26,11 @@ def allowed_extension(testext):
def log_savelog(key, ip, savedname):
if settings.SAVELOG_KEYPREFIX > 0:
with open(settings.SAVELOG, "a+") as slogf:
slogf.write(f"[{}] {key[:settings.SAVELOG_KEYPREFIX]}: {ip} - {savedname}\n")
slogf.write("[{0}] {1}: {2} - {3}\n".format(, key[:settings.SAVELOG_KEYPREFIX], ip, savedname))
os.chmod(settings.SAVELOG, settings.SAVELOG_CHMOD)
with open(settings.SAVELOG, "a+") as slogf:
slogf.write(f"[{}] {ip} - {savedname}\n")
slogf.write("[{0}] {1} - {2}\n".format(, ip, savedname))
os.chmod(settings.SAVELOG, settings.SAVELOG_CHMOD)
@app.route("/upload", methods = ["POST"])
@ -51,11 +49,6 @@ def upload():
if request.form["uploadKey"] in validkeys: # check if uploadKey is valid
print("Key is valid!")
if "verify" in request.form.keys():
if request.form["verify"] == "true":
print("Request is asking if key is valid (it is)")
return jsonify({'status': 'key_valid'})
if "imageUpload" in request.files: # check if image to upload was provided
f = request.files["imageUpload"] # f is the image to upload
@ -68,36 +61,14 @@ def upload():
fext = Path(f.filename).suffix # get the uploaded extension
if allowed_extension(fext): # if the extension is allowed
if not "imageName" in request.form.keys():
print(f"Generating file with extension {fext}")
fname = functions.generate_name() + fext # generate file name
print(f"Generated name: {fname}")
fname = request.form["imageName"]
if len(fname) > 0:
print(f"Request imageName: {fname}")
if not fname.lower().endswith(fext.lower()): # if requested name doesn't have the correct extension
fname += fext # add the extension
print(f"Added extension; new filename: {fname}")
print("Requested filename is blank!")
fname = functions.generate_name() + fext # generate a valid filename
print(f"Generated name: {fname}")
print("Generating file with extension {0}".format(fext))
fname = functions.generate_name() + fext # generate file name
print("Generated name: {0}".format(fname))
if f: # if the uploaded image exists
print("Uploaded image exists")
if Path(os.path.join(settings.UPLOAD_FOLDER, fname)).is_file():
print("Requested filename already exists!")
return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'error': 'FILENAME_TAKEN'}), status.HTTP_409_CONFLICT"/tmp/{fname}") # save the image temporarily (before removing EXIF)
image ="/tmp/{fname}")
data = list(image.getdata())
stripped =, image.size)
stripped.putdata(data), fname)) # save the image without EXIF
print(f"Saved to {fname}"), fname)) # save the image
print("Saved to {0}".format(fname))
url = settings.ROOTURL + fname # construct the url to the image
if settings.SAVELOG != "/dev/null":
print("Saving to savelog")
@ -110,16 +81,21 @@ def upload():
else: # if the extension was invalid
print("Uploaded extension is invalid!")
return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'error': 'INVALID_EXTENSION'}), status.HTTP_415_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE
else: # if the key was not valid
print("Key is invalid!")
print(f"Request key: {request.form['uploadKey']}")
return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'error': 'UNAUTHORIZED'}), status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED
print("Request key: {0}".format(request.form["uploadKey"]))
else: # if uploadKey was not found in request body
print("No uploadKey found in request!")
return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'error': 'UNAUTHORIZED'}), status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED
else: # if the request method wasn't post
print("Request method was not POST!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Run with `flask` or a WSGI server!")

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@ -12,39 +12,34 @@ import secrets
import string
def read_keyfile():
with open("uploadkeys", "r") as keyfile: # open uploadkeys
keys = keyfile.readlines() # read all the keys
logging.debug("Read uploadkeys")
keys = [x.strip("\n") for x in keys] # strip newlines from keys
logging.debug("Stripped newlines from keys")
return keys
def genkey(length):
key = ''.join(secrets.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for x in range(length))
return key
def savekey(key):
if not Path("uploadkeys").is_file(): # if uploadkeys doesn't exist, log an info message
if not Path("uploadkeys").is_file():"uploadkeys file doesn't exist, it will be created.")
with open("uploadkeys", "a+") as keyfile:
keyfile.write(str(key) + "\n") # add the key
logging.debug(f"Saved a key to uploadkeys: {key}")
keyfile.write(str(key) + "\n")
logging.debug("Saved a key to uploadkeys: {0}".format(key))
def rmkey(delkey):
removedkey = False
allkeys = read_keyfile()
if delkey in allkeys: # if the key to remove exists
allkeys.remove(delkey) # remove the first instance of the key
with open("uploadkeys", "r") as keyfile:
allkeys = keyfile.readlines()
logging.debug("Loaded all upload keys")
allkeys = [x.strip("\n") for x in allkeys]
logging.debug("Stripped keys")
if delkey in allkeys:
removedkey = True
logging.debug("Removed one instance of the key")
with open("uploadkeys", "w") as keyfile:
for k in allkeys:
keyfile.write(k + "\n") # write the remaining keys
keyfile.write(k + "\n")
if removedkey:
return True
@ -53,8 +48,11 @@ def rmkey(delkey):
def find_duplicates():
allkeys = read_keyfile()
with open("uploadkeys", "r") as keyfile:
allkeys = keyfile.readlines()
logging.debug("Read all keys")
allkeys = [x.strip("\n") for x in allkeys]
logging.debug("Stripped newlines")
seen = set()
ukeys = []
dupkeys = []
@ -68,7 +66,11 @@ def find_duplicates():
def get_keys():
validkeys = read_keyfile()
with open("uploadkeys", "r") as keyfile: # load valid keys
validkeys = keyfile.readlines()
logging.debug("Read uploadkeys")
validkeys = [x.strip("\n") for x in validkeys]
logging.debug("Stripped newlines from validkeys")
while "" in validkeys:
logging.debug("Removed blank keys")
@ -83,16 +85,16 @@ def cmd_list(args):
for i in range(len(validkeys)):
showkey = validkeys[i][:6]
if len(validkeys[i]) > 6:
showkey += "..." # add ellipses since the key was shortened in list
showkey += "..."
print(f" [{i+1}] {showkey}")
print(" [{0}] {1}".format(i+1, showkey))
def cmd_generate(args):
k = genkey(args.length)
logging.debug(f"Generated a new key: {k}")
logging.debug("Generated a new key: {0}".format(k))
print(f"Your new key is: {k}")
print("Your new key is: {0}".format(k))
def cmd_add(args):
@ -104,6 +106,7 @@ def cmd_add(args):
if input("Is the above key correct? [y/N] ").lower() == "y":
logging.debug("Interpreted as yes")
ask_for_key = False
@ -118,19 +121,17 @@ def cmd_remove(args):"No key was removed.")
def cmd_dedupe(args):
dupes = find_duplicates()
if len(dupes) > 0:
for d in dupes:
r = rmkey(d)
logging.debug(r)"Removed duplicate key: {d}")
for d in find_duplicates():
r = rmkey(d)
logging.debug(r)"Removed duplicate key: {0}".format(d))
else:"[" + u"\u2713" + "] No duplicate keys found!")
def cmd_show(args):
for k in get_keys():
if k[:6] == args.prefix:
print(f"Key: {k}")
print("Key: {0}".format(k))

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@ -1,3 +1,2 @@

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
socket = /srv/imgupload/uwsgi.sock
chmod-socket = 755
chdir = /srv/imgupload
venv = /srv/imgupload/env
master = true
module = imgupload:app
processes = 10
threads = 1
uid = www-data
gid = www-data
plugins = python3,logfile