birjolaxew 2e9dd1560e
Add docker-compose file for simple reverse proxy
Based on caddy-gen
This will start a reverse proxy on port 80 and 443, which proxies
to the plausible container. Note that it will clash with any
existing reverse proxies on the host machine
2020-10-30 05:43:38 +01:00

10 lines
539 B

This directory contains pre-made configurations for various reverse proxies. Which flavor you should choose depends on your setup.
## No existing reverse proxy
If you aren't running an existing reverse proxy, then you can use the [`caddy-gen`]( based docker-compose file. Update it to include the domain name you use for your server, then combine it with the existing docker-compose files:
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f reverse-proxy/docker-compose.caddy-gen.yml up