Caleb Woodbine f93b7e51ac Update docs
2021-05-15 09:31:31 +12:00

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#+TITLE: Setup Plausible
* Prelimiary requirements
- Minikube
- Postgres-Operator
** Notes
- Minikube can be switched out for Kind
- Postgres manifests are also included, in case you don't want to deploy a highly available Postgres database locally (~DATABASE_URL~ will need to be updated also)
* Setup
#+NAME: create namespace
#+begin_src shell :results silent
kubectl create ns plausible
#+NAME: create the database secrets
#+begin_src shell :results silent
kubectl -n plausible create secret generic postgres-configuration \
--from-literal=POSTGRES_DB=plausible \
--from-literal=POSTGRES_USER=plausible \
--from-literal=POSTGRES_PASSWORD=plausible \
--from-literal=PGUSER=plausible \
--from-literal=PGPASSWORD=plausible \
#+NAME: install Postgres
#+begin_src shell :pwd ./ :results silent
kubectl -n plausible apply -f postgresql.yaml
#+NAME: create secrets
#+begin_src shell :results silent
DATABASE_PWD="$(kubectl -n plausible get secret -o=jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode)"
kubectl -n plausible create secret generic plausible \ \
--from-literal=ADMIN_USER_NAME="Example User" \
--from-literal=ADMIN_USER_PWD="password" \
--from-literal=SECRET_KEY_BASE="$(openssl rand -base64 64)" \
--from-literal=DATABASE_URL="postgres://plausible:$DATABASE_PWD@plausible-db-pooler/plausible?ssl=true" \
#+NAME: create configuration
#+begin_src shell :results silent
kubectl -n plausible create configmap plausible \
--from-literal=BASE_URL=http://$(minikube ip):$(kubectl -n plausible get svc plausible -o=jsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}')
#+NAME: install Plausible
#+begin_src shell :results silent
kubectl -n plausible apply -f .
* Notes and references